Presented by MTI Education

Live Online Probate Real Estate Workshop For 

"Learn how to prospect with this recession proof niche TODAY"

MTI will be hosting a live online Probate Real Estate Workshops. Click below to select your date and time

🗓 2 workshop dates:  
November 13th at 10 AM PST
November 14th at 10 AM PST

Discover a niche that has helped thousands of real estate agents beat the Great Recession. Learn how probate real estate is your ticket…
                                                         *Seats Are Limited - Only 100 Spots*
During This Free Presentation You Will Learn
Why 90% of executors and administrators sell the real estate IMMEDIATELY!
Tap into the 1.6 million potential probate listings in America today, where 70% of the inventory is FREE and CLEAR!

Learn how this national certification will make you stand out amongst your competitors.
This workshop will teach you how to generate listings TODAY!

Meet Your Instructor, Mike Torres

Mike Torres, the nation’s leading expert in Probate real estate, has developed systems that real estate professionals from all over the country can implement and become successful prospecting with Probate. Over 11,000 real estate agents have benefited from his knowledge and this program/certification.  Mike and his wife, Molly, founded MTI Education which today is the only company in the nation that offers a national probate certification program for the real estate professional: Certified Probate Real Estate Specialist.  

What Are Agents Saying About MTI Workshops?

Vlad Diaz

This is a great niche to work in real estate as it appears to me that there is NOT a lot of competition and there is lots of business.

Tom Fleming

I have attended this class before and can learn new ideas at each training class. This has really helped me increase my business.

Paul Heller

I recommend taking this class. It will give you great insights and a roadmap to marketing yourself and increasing sales.

Christlande Estime

MTI was able to show me how to leverage my marketing tools and skills. I feel very confident now and trust them. This was the mentorship I was looking for and this opened my eyes to new opportunities for Real Estate.
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